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Dive into these stories to understand how we've partnered with diverse clients to overcome obstacles, implement innovative strategies, and achieve tangible results.
Azure AD AWS SAML Assertions
Integrating Azure Active Directory with AWS IAM Identity Center to Enable Single Sign-On
Auth0 User Migration
Learn how to migrate existing customer identities to Auth0
What is Cloud Governance
Save money, increase security and compliance, and make cloud computing simpler with good cloud governance
S3 Object Ownership and Policies
Understanding default security settings in AWS S3
Pairing With AI: Infrastructure as Code
Explore using AI code pairing tools to write Infrastructure-as-Code
Write Less Code with VSCode Snippets
Learn to write less code with VSCode user snippets
Why Monitoring in the Cloud Is Important, and Why It's Important to Not Be Loud
Learn why monitoring is the cornerstone of site reliability engineering and the importance in extending this methodology to your cloud environment
Testing Terraform with Kitchen and Inspec
Learn how to test Terraform code using Kitchen and Inspec. Proving IaC functionality and results, as well as providing documented usage, all while using a very readable language with complete workflow automation.
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