Case Study

Kubernetes Platform Implementation


Application teams at a large financial services company in NY have all their apps running on an old technology stack with custom scripts for automation and quick fixes. Engineers don’t have good visibility into their application and infrastructure. Existing tools are expensive and old. Dynamic scaling is not possible, lots of wasted resources but still sudden spikes in traffic have caused outages. New application development requires manual provisioning and intervention making it less desirable.

We partnered to build out a Kubernetes-based platform that allowed spinning up clusters on demand in AWS and private cloud. We collaborated on creating pipelines and automation for engineers to easily create new applications and run them as stateless web services on Kubernetes in a complete self-service way.


  • In classic Rearc style, we treated engineers as our real customers and helped onboard them to the container based platform and helped re-architect and/or re-platform their app to be cloud-friendly.
  • We solved several other problems associated with monitoring, alerting and living with containerized micro-services.


  • We were able to help migrate 100+ applications running in containers on Kubernetes.
  • Built out the platform and tooling to allow faster development cycles.
  • Getting a new app up and running on the platform went from weeks to minutes.
  • By working together, we were also able to shut down several VMs and reduce the data center and hardware license footprint.
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