Case Study

AWS Tenancy Migration And Azure Integration


Rearc performed an application portfolio assessment and designed a migration strategy for Avesis, which was already in AWS but needed to migrate to an entirely new Organization. Post planning, Rearc leveraged infrastructure as code to deliver a new cloud landing zone in AWS and created an account factory for future growth. Rearc integrated Avesis's new AWS environment with their new Azure environment. Rearc participated in the successful production data migration and application switchover to the new AWS environment.


AWS Organization Migration and Azure Integration Diagram

  • IaC: Rearc leveraged best-practice Infrastructure as Code patterns using Terraform in Azure DevOps Pipelines to provision AWS resources.
  • Data: Rearc partnered with Avesis to migrate the existing AWS-hosted applications and significant database assets into the new AWS landing zone.
  • Integrate: Rearc integrated a new Azure environment and Entra Identity tenancy into the AWS deployment.


  • The entire AWS application suite and databases were migrated in twelve months.
  • Azure and AWS environments were integrated for both permissions management, network data flow, and infrastructure as code deployment.
  • The Avesis team was onboarded and upskilled with Rearc engineers to adopt modern IaC principles and practices.
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