Case Study

Mature Data Platform Buildout


Rearc and Lazard partnered to build an end-to-end AWS native data engineering and data science platform. Various disparate data sources ranging from structured RDB tables to NLP processed data were piped to a data lake before ultimately being refined and loaded into data warehouses and data marts for BI consumption.


Lazard Data Platform Diagram

  • Evaluate: quickly and intimately learn the applications, environments, stakeholders, etc.
  • Plan: create a detailed plan to make sure that we address all the key concerns, milestones, objectives, timelines, and more.
  • Execute: deliver on what’s promised, lead by example, promote transparency, etc.
  • Retro: use regular feedback loops to improve the quality and velocity of delivery.


  • Customer learned how to use modern cloud-native technologies to address their data engineering needs.
  • Acquired a modern data engineering platform with baked in best practices.
  • A single Data Platform Buildout project introduced the company to how we do DevOps, modern IaC, cleaner and faster Jenkins pipelines, concise and secure AWS best practices, and more.
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