Focus on the important things

Being a startup ourselves, we know there are a million things to do. Leave DevOps and cloud management to us, so you can focus on your core strengths.

Our Approach

In our experience, startups are usually working on some really difficult problems in their specific area of expertise, but many times they don’t have access to some of the necessary cloud and DevOps skills to build and run a production grade application infrastructure.

We help bridge this gap by providing bite-sized cloud architecture and engineering consulting services. Additionally, we offer cloud managed services so that you can off-load the heavy lifting of billing, cost management, operations and security on us. 

Bridging the Gap

Between where you are now, and the goal you intend to reach.

Cloud is table stakes for new businesses in today’s world. To run your business in the cloud with confidence, you need to make sure you have the right architecture and tooling in place to support experimentation, growth and scale while maintaining security and costs. Working with us is easy. We focus on ensuring that your cloud environment is secure and well-governed from day one. We tend to promote the “trust but verify” approach by allowing engineers to have the right level of access to be productive but at the same time detect any changes that could compromise the security or cost of running services in the cloud.

We do the heavy lifting

You don’t need to do it all, we are here to help.

Starting a business and building a production-grade cloud application infrastructure at the same time is a tall task. Let us take some of the weight off of your shoulders by handling your cloud infrastructure while you focus on getting your business off the ground and running. You can focus on your core strengths knowing our team of experts at rearc have your cloud architecture tailored for your exact business needs without having to do any of the nitty-gritty.

A la carte services

Pick and choose which cloud services are right for your business

Developer Tooling

We can help build a fully automated and self-service continous integration and delivery pipeline to fit your custom needs.

Managed Services

We understand you just don’t want to deal with cloud administration and operations. We offer managed services where we will take on all the heavy lifting with a specialized team of engineers to help run the show.

Cloud-native architectures

We will help build and design modern, cloud-native solutions so that you can continue focusing on your core business problem rather than infrastructure operations.

Community Support

Join the rearc community to get access to cloud and DevOps knowledge shared by rearc engineers, customers, and partners.

Startup Success Stories

Begin your ascent

Let's talk about your journey to the cloud.