
Cloud Configuration ELT with CloudQuery

Cloud Configuration ELT with CloudQuery

This article discusses the purpose of CloudQuery, some of its use cases and a simple Quick Start that can be followed along to get results quickly.

What is CloudQuery

CloudQuery is a data integration framework that is open-source and highly performant. It is designed to help developers extract, load, and transform configuration data from cloud APIs to a variety of supported destinations such as databases, data lakes, or streaming platforms for further analysis.

In other words, CloudQuery is a tool that helps developers sync data between various sources and destinations, transform the data, and visualize it. It supports plugins, destinations, transformations, and visualizations for data lake, security, compliance, and finops use cases.

Its origin is with extracting configuration data from various cloud providers. Today, it supports a variety of additional data sources with many destinations such as relational and NoSQL databases as well as Kafka.

Use Cases for CloudQuery

CloudQuery is a versatile tool that can be used for a variety of purposes, including but not limited to:

  • Data Integration
  • Security and Compliance
  • Data Unification
  • Performance Optimization

CloudQuery can help solve the problem of data integration by extracting data from cloud APIs and loading it into a variety of supported destinations such as databases, data lakes, or streaming platforms for further analysis. It can also help with security and compliance by maintaining a number of out-of-the-box security and compliance policies for cloud infrastructure. CloudQuery can eliminate data silos across organizations, unifying data between security, infrastructure, marketing, and finance teams. Additionally, CloudQuery is optimized for performance, utilizing the excellent Go concurrency model with light-weight Go routines. This makes it an ideal tool for running ELT workloads that are compute-intensive and can get expensive.

A very common problem large organizations face, is that they have trouble keeping track of all their cloud assets. Especially in multi-account and multi-cloud environments, maintaining insights into all your resources is cumbersome, as each cloud provider uses their own API/data model. CloudQuery can efficiently load most types of resource configurations across all cloud providers and accounts and therefore provide all the data into a single destination. The data can then be accessed offline (without additional requests to the cloud providers) and therefore provides an excellent point-in-time view into all cloud resources within an organization.

CloudQuery Architecture Brief

CloudQuery Architecture Diagram

CloudQuery has a pluggable architecture with Source and Destination plugins. Source plugins are used to fetch data from their respective third-party APIs (e.g. AWS, Azure or GCP) while destination plugins are responsible for database migrations and data insertion. The CLI is the end-user interface and manages and integrates Source and Destination plugins.

CloudQuery's architecture is additionally documented in the official documentation.

Quick Start

As part of this blog post there are two quick starts. The first one addresses syncing data from a single AWS account while the second one syncs data from an AWS organizational setup. There are shared steps and distinct steps for each scenario. It is recommended to go through the Single Account steps if you have administrative access to a single AWS account, but no AWS Organization exists, or you have no administrative access to the master account. Go through the Multi Account steps if you have an AWS Organization and have administrative access to the master account.

Quick Start Single Account

This quick start is tailored to get one going very quickly syncing data from AWS with a single account into a data store and thus makes the following assumptions:

  • everything will be handled on your local machine
  • PostgreSQL used as data store
  • Single AWS account with SSO
  • at least some AWS EC2 instances and AWS S3 Buckets exist

Architecture Single Account

CloudQuery Quick Start Architecture Diagram for Single Account

PostgreSQL database is deployed as Docker container. CloudQuery binaries are installed locally. CloudQuery CLI is invoked locally and fetches all cloud data writing to the PostgreSQL database.

Quick Start Multi Account

This quick start is tailored to get one going very quickly syncing data from AWS with organizational setup into a data store and thus makes the following assumptions:

  • everything will be handled on your local machine
  • PostgreSQL used as data store
  • AWS organizational account setup with SSO
  • AWS has a role (role name <member_role_name>) in all (relevant) member accounts that can be assumed with read privileges (e.g. AWS managed [ViewOnlyAccess policy(]) for all AWS resources
  • at least some AWS EC2 instances and AWS S3 Buckets exist

Architecture Multi Account

CloudQuery Quick Start Architecture Diagram for Multiple Accounts

PostgreSQL database is deployed as Docker container. CloudQuery binaries are installed locally. CloudQuery CLI is invoked locally and fetches all cloud data writing to the PostgreSQL database.


Applies to Single Account and Multi Account.

  1. AWS CLI installed
  2. AWS SSO profile set up (use this profile name to replace the placeholder <profile_name> in following example text)
  3. Docker installed
  4. CloudQuery CLI is installed on macOS or Windows or Linux and is not restricted to communicate with the internet
  5. Some database administration tool (PostgreSQL client like pgAdmin) is installed. Alternately, you can use command line tools such as the ones that come with Postgres.

Setup Quick Start Project

Applies to Single Account and Multi Account.

This step prepares a local directory and sets up some basic configuration

  1. Create a directory, e.g.: quick-start-cloudquery
  2. In the new directory, create a file .env with the following content:

MEMBER_ROLE_NAME=<member_role_name> # omit for Single Account

Note: The environment variables given as postgres in this example can be set to any alphanumeric value you want. The <..._name> placeholders must be replaced with the actual values from Prerequisites and Quick Start.

  1. In your shell, execute the following command to set the key/value pairs in the .env file as environment variables.
export $(grep -v '^#' .env | xargs)

NOTE: You will need to use the same shell for all other command in this Quick Start (otherwise come back to this command and re-execute).

Setup Database

Applies to Single Account and Multi Account.

This step will set up a PostgreSQL Docker container and configure a database within using Docker Compose.

  1. Create a new file docker-compose.yml in your project directory with the following content:
    image: postgres:latest
      - "${DB_PORT}:5432"
      - db:/var/lib/postgresql/data
  1. In your shell, in the project directory, run the following command to bring up a Docker container with the latest PostgreSQL database:
docker-compose --env-file .env up -d
  1. In the database administration tool, verify a successful connection to the new database using the information in the previously configured .env file.

Setup CloudQuery Configuration

This step prepares CloudQuery to interact with the cloud provider (here: AWS) to fetch the relevant data and write it to the database.

Setup CloudQuery Configuration Single Account

Applies to Single Account only.

  1. Create a new file cloudquery.yml in your project directory with the following content:
kind: destination
  name: "postgresql"   
  registry: "github"
  path: "cloudquery/postgresql"
  version: "v7.1.6"
  pk_mode: cq-id-only
  write_mode: overwrite-delete-stale
    connection_string: "postgresql://${DB_USER}:${DB_PASS}@${DB_HOST}:${DB_PORT}/${DB_NAME}?sslmode=disable"
kind: source
  name: "aws"   
  registry: "github"
  path: "cloudquery/aws"
  version: "v22.19.2"
  destinations: ["postgresql"]
  deterministic_cq_id: true
    - aws_ec2_instances
    - aws_s3_buckets
      - local_profile: "${PROFILE_NAME}"

Setup CloudQuery Configuration Multi Account

Applies to Multi Account only.

  1. Create a new file cloudquery.yml in your project directory with the following content:
kind: destination
  name: "postgresql"   
  registry: "github"
  path: "cloudquery/postgresql"
  version: "v7.1.6"
  pk_mode: cq-id-only
  write_mode: overwrite-delete-stale
    connection_string: "postgresql://${DB_USER}:${DB_PASS}@${DB_HOST}:${DB_PORT}/${DB_NAME}?sslmode=disable"
kind: source
  name: "aws"   
  registry: "github"
  path: "cloudquery/aws"
  version: "v22.19.2"
  destinations: ["postgresql"]
  deterministic_cq_id: true
    - aws_ec2_instances
    - aws_s3_buckets
        local_profile: "${PROFILE_NAME}"
      member_role_name: "${MEMBER_ROLE_NAME}"


The configuration consists of a multisection YAML document with the first section specifying the destination plugin configuration and the second section specifying the source plugin configuration. It is possible to split those into individual YAML files, but here we keep them combined for simplicity.

Detailed information about the individual parameters can be found here for source and destination plugins.

With this given configuration, we are instructing CloudQuery to read (source) data using the AWS plugin from the AWS cloud provider and write (destination) that configuration data to the local database specified by the database URL using the PostgreSQL plugin. Specifically, we are set up to read data only from AWS Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) Instances and AWS Simple Storage Service (S3) buckets as per the tables configuration.

Additionally, given the configuration for organizations (specorg) with local SSO profile and member (child account) roles, we are telling CloudQuery to retrieve all accounts within the organization and read data from all member accounts that have permission to assume the given member role.

Execute Sync

Applies to Single Account and Multi Account.

This step describes the actual usage of the CloudQuery CLI and how to sync data from the source to the destination.

  1. Before running any sync operation, in your shell, make sure you are signed in to SSO:
aws sso login --profile ${PROFILE_NAME}

This is required, because CloudQuery CLI requires an active SSO session. If your SSO session has expired, you would get a generic error about failure to retrieve AWS credentials.

  1. In your shell, execute the following command to perform the data sync:
cloudquery sync ./cloudquery.yml --no-log-file --log-format json --log-console --telemetry-level none --log-level info

This command will perform the sync using the prepared configuration and outputs JSON formatted logs to the console.

NOTE: CloudQuery CLI and plugin logging is deliberately verbose on info level, but can be overwhelming when looking at it for the first time.

  1. The sync operation will take some time, especially if there are a lot of resources and accounts in the AWS organization. It also depends on the internet connectivity and processing power of the local machine, as there tends to be quite some data transferred, processed and written to the destination.

    NOTE: In case you see errors such as AccessDenied: User: xyz is not authorized to perform: sts:AssumeRole on resource: arn:aws:iam::111122223333:role/<member_role>: This indicates that the specified role does not exist in the target account or cannot be assumed. This may be intentional and depends on how your AWS Organization is set up.

Review Data

Applies to Single Account and Multi Account.

This step gives some guidance on how to review the data that has been synced with the previous step.

  1. In the database administration tool, connect to the database.
  2. Open a new SQL execution window and execute the following query:
select * from pg_catalog.pg_tables where schemaname = 'public' order by tablename

This query should return some records: one with tablename equal to aws_ec2_instances and the remaining with tablename starting with aws_s3_bucket*. The reason for AWS S3 bucket having multiple tables is because its data is distributed across the main table aws_s3_buckets and its child tables as explained here.

NOTE: In case you do not see all the tables as outlined in the documentation, it may be that there was no data returned by the API for those and thus the tables were not created.

  1. Execute the one or all of the following queries:
select * from aws_ec2_instances;
select * from aws_s3_buckets order by name;

Each query should return results. Inspect the results as necessary to learn more about the resources in the AWS organization.

  1. Optional: order the results by accounts with the following queries:

    Applies to Multi Account only.

select * from aws_ec2_instances order by account_id;
select * from aws_s3_buckets order by account_id, name;


With this Quick Start, we have built a simple data extraction PoC for a few AWS resources for a very specific, but not uncommon, use case involving an organizational multi-account setup in AWS with SSO. CloudQuery uses a locally configured SSO profile for the organizational master account to fetch all member accounts and assume the specified role in those member accounts to retrieve the relevant cloud resources. Having a meaningful setup with, ideally, dedicated roles in the member accounts is essential for multi-account environments. This also requires a good strategy for managing and rolling out changes across all accounts. Be it as it may, given the AWS side of things is set up correctly, there is typically less effort to configure CloudQuery to perform sync operations correctly. In terms of architecture, we have seen that there are not many resources involved. While everything for the PoC (except the cloud resources) was created locally, we can easily see any or all resources being moved to on-premise or cloud data centers.


  • Getting the right combination of CloudQuery configuration and Cloud Provider setup (especially in multi-account environments) may be tedious and may require a lot of testing, analyzing logs for root causes of errors and re-running. The actual sync time also plays into this process being quite cumbersome as you may need to iterate a few time to straighten out config problems. This is often rooted in the actual setup on the cloud provider side.
  • Cloud Provider access is required for testing and verification, so users working on an integration of CloudQuery with the Cloud Provider will require at least read permissions, but likely advanced permissions, especially when member accounts lack suitable roles or in case one wants to set up dedicated roles for CloudQuery to accomplish better separation of concerns and improve manageability. For managing roles, it is also highly recommended employing some from of centrally managed Infrastructure as Code approach.
  • While not an issue for this PoC specifically, CloudQuery iterates very quickly on its plugins and releases new versions almost weekly adding new features and resources. When using CloudQuery in production, such high volatility may be a burden, as breaking changes are frequent and can thus impact working solutions that e.g. rely on a certain data structure. Therefore, if a project relies on the latest CloudQuery features, it must also be aware of the drawbacks (risk of breaking changes) this introduces and make efforts to mitigate this appropriately.
  • While also not an issue for this PoC specifically, performance and its optimization can be challenging, especially when the resources to sync increase and the number of accounts is high. Bandwidth and compute are factors influencing the sync speed heavily.
  • CloudQuery provides a concept of incremental tables, but it is generally not meant to provide visibility in real-time. It always only provides a point-in-time view on the cloud resources and thus, if the goal is to have near real-time visibility into your cloud resources, one must be mindful of sync frequency and optimizing the performance (see previous bullet point).


What can we do from here?

This article barely touched the surface of what can be done with the data ingested through CloudQuery. In fact, following the Quick start, other than having your cloud data in a central data store, you have not accomplished a lot yet. While you have all your cloud resources normalized per each cloud provider, meaning that all resources for each resource type are available in their respective tables, there still is no visibility into all your resources of a specific type (e.g. virtual machines) yet across multiple cloud providers.

Suggestions For Further Exploration

To truly unlock the potential of the cloud data available through CloudQuery or to just improve the process of syncing data with CloudQuery, here is a list of suggestions readers may explore:

  • Containerized execution of sync operations
  • Expand source configuration to include data from other cloud providers
  • Normalize cloud data across providers. This can provide visibility into resources in an organization through a single pane of glass
  • Management of schema with Prisma
  • Scheduled execution of sync operations in the cloud
  • API to access cloud data programmatically with GraphQL
  • Web-UI to conveniently explore cloud data through queries
  • Data and Business need driven Web-UI to explore cloud data without the need to use any queries (e.g. a page for all VMs across all cloud providers)
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